Favourite film lists are argued about as much for what's missing as opposed to what's included, but I expected to see Nashville, Easy Rider, The Devils, Deliverance and The Blair Witch Project, all of which were absent from a list that included the junk like Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and Transformers
I always assumed Suspiria was Argento's most well known, popular film but The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (#272) sits some 40 places above Suspiria (#312). Cronenberg has just one entry - the overrated A History of Violence (#448), no sign of Videodrome or The Fly. Alejandro Jodorowsky's only film on the list is Santa Sangre (#476) - good to see it included but I would have assumed it would have been El Topo. Possibly the most disappointing ranking on the list is The Wicker Man which just crawls into the list at #485.
Only 3 Italian westerns figure on the list - Once Upon A Time In the West (#14), The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (#25), and The Great Silence (#386).
It was perhaps inevitable that The Terminator (#308) and Alien (#33) would be outranked by their more inferior sequels, but the original Evil Dead figures nowhere on the list despite the presence of Evil Dead II (#49) and Army of Darkness (#372)
Here's the entire list
A large and fun list, as you say - but I have a problem with adding films only a few years old to an "of all time" list. Films need time to become seasoned and to see if they do stand the test of time. I feel like the median year here is probably well into my lifespan - and in all honesty think that media year should be before my time, with more older films included.